Direct Cremation
Frequently Asked Questions

Where is my loved one taken to?
Your loved one remains in our care, in our mortuary in Southport, from the moment they are brought into our care, until they are taken to a local crematorium. People often ask us this, because many companies offering direct cremation keep your loved one at a premises away from their home town, and can use a crematorium anywhere in the UK. Rest assured we will never do this, your loved ones care and dignity is paramount to us at all times, and they will be looked after by our small caring team, and cremated locally at either Southport or West Lancashire Crematorium.
Can I bring in a card to go inside my loved ones coffin and their favourite blanket?
Yes! Absolutely no problem at all, you can bring in items and we will place them with your loved one. As long as they are not a prohibited item (such as a pressurised gas cannister, we will advise you at the time) there will be no problem at all doing that for you. Some companies do not allow this, however, we think it is important for you to know your loved one has items with them that are special to you both. Alternatively you could add the option of viewing your loved one, see more information about this below.
How is it more environmentally friendly than a traditional funeral?
A traditional funeral can have many petrol or diesel cars in attendance, therefore, the impact on the environment from car fumes is significantly less. The preparation of a loved one for viewing can involve chemicals, whereas there is no viewing with a direct cremation. A traditional wooden coffin can take a long time to burn in the cremator, unlike the environmentally friendly coffins we use for direct cremation. Some direct cremation companies can travel miles to collect your loved one, then travel miles to take them to their premises, then travel again to a crematorium that could be anywhere in the UK, we will never do this, your loved one stays with us in Southport, which is better for the environment and more peaceful for your loved one. We also gift the planting of a tree for your loved one, this helps to offset our carbon footprint and is a lovely gesture for you.
Can I view my loved one at the funeral home?
Our standard Direct Cremation is fully inclusive, but does not include viewing, however, we can add this on as an option for you should you wish to view your loved one. This option does cost more as we would be preparing your loved one for viewing, please contact us for a price should you require this option.
Can I attend the crematorium to say my final goodbye?
Our standard Direct Cremation is fully inclusive, but does not include attendance, however, we now offer an Attended Direct Cremation option, should you wish to attend at the crematorium. Southport Crematorium have 8.15am and 9am times available for this option. This will include 1 piece of music and allow the family (10 max) to enter the chapel to say goodbye. There is to be no service, minister, visual tribute, or recording permitted as this is a direct option with chapel use of no more than 10 minutes.
If we don't have a funeral service, is there another way we can honour our loved one?
Yes! There are many ways you can honour the memory of your loved one or celebrate their life, without a traditional funeral service. You will be given some helpful information on ways you can do this.
Will my loved one be treated differently because they are having a Direct Cremation?
No! We will never treat anyone differently here at M. Rushton Funeral Directors. Your loved one will receive the same level of care that we give all the loved ones residing with us. We have cared for people of all walks of life including celebrities, clergy and people who are homeless ... we treat EVERYONE with the same care and dignity at all times. The only difference with our Direct Cremation service is that your loved one is not prepared for viewing or dressed in their own clothes, they will wear a gown or the clothes they are wearing when they come into our care (if that is what you wish). We gift all the loved ones in our care with a tree grown and dedicated in their memory, INCLUDING loved ones who are having a Direct Cremation. Lastly (because we are always asked this question), your loved one will be cremated on their own, in their own coffin, exactly the same as everyone else in our care. The cremators can only hold one coffin at a time, and are set up in your loved ones name to measure things like emissions etc, so rest assured they will be cremated on their own, in their coffin.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to help.